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Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte - "Why Fracture Geometry is Important"
Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte , Department of Physics and Astronomy (Purdue)
February 28 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Chen Zhu - "How mineral-water interactions relate to critical minerals, carbon sequestration, and water resources"
Dr. Chen Zhu, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Indiana University)
February 27 | 3:30
Geology Colloquium - GG Building Room 325
Dr. Bridget Scanlon - "Evaluating Approaches towards more Sustainable Global Water Resources Management "
Bridget Scanlon , Bureau of Economic Geology (Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin)
January 24 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Mattia Pistone - "Moho Mission to the Foundation of Continents: The ICDP DIVE Drilling Project"
Mattia Pistone (University of Georgia)
January 17 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Jake Loewenstern - "The Challenge of Volcano Monitoring, Eruption Forecasting, and Protecting Vulnerable Populations"
Jake Loewenstern , (USGS)
January 10 | 3
Geology Colloquium - Virtual Lecture ONLY (via Zoom)
Dr. Felix Herrmann - "Digital Twins in the era of generative AI — Application to Geological CO2 Storage"
Dr. Felix Herrmann, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (Georgia Tech)
November 22 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Geology Department Tailgate
November 16 | 3
GG Courtyard
Dr. Charlotte Garing - "Improving Understanding of CO2 Trapping Mechanisms in Geologic Storage Systems"
Charlotte Garing (University of Georgia)
Charlotte Garing (University of Georgia) Dr. Charlotte Garing, Department of Geology (University of Georgia)
November 15 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Fabian Zowam - Doctoral Defense
November 13 | 1
GG 144
Heather Qualman - "CCS - An Integrated Approach"
Heather Qualman, CCS Subsurface Manager (Wood PLC)
November 8 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Lea Davidson - Doctoral Defense
November 8 | 11am
GG 142
Kaitlyn Hulsey - Masters Defense
November 8 | 10
GG 325
Sean Jackson Oakey - Thesis Defense
October 25 | 11am
GG 142
Geology Alumni Social in Houston
October 17 | 6
Saint Arnold Brewing Company, Houston Texas
Carly Daniel - Thesis Defense
October 11 | 10
GG 325
Dr. Richard Esposito - "The Fundamentals of Carbon Capture"
Dr. Richard Esposito, R&D Program Manager - Carbon Transport and Storage, Research & Development (Southern Company)
October 4 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Ben Wernette - "The Fundamentals of Carbon Storage"
Dr. Ben Wernette, Principal Scientist and Strategic Partnerships Lead (Southern States Energy Board)
October 4 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Geology Department's Fall Welcome Back Event
September 27 | 5
Globe / Courtyard 2nd Floor GG
Dr. Paul Spry - "Critical Minerals and Green Energy"
Dr. Paul Spry, Earth, Atmosphere, and Climate (Iowa State University)
September 20 | 3
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Georgia Partnerships for Essential Minerals II
September 12 | All day
September 13 | All day
September 12-13, 2024 | Georgia Tech Campus |Krone Building - EBB Children's Seminar Room
Georgia Partnerships for Essential Minerals II
September 12 | All day
September 13 | All day
September 12-13, 2024 | Georgia Tech Campus |Krone Building - EBB Children's Seminar Room
Cade Orchard - Thesis Defense
May 13 | 9
GG 142
Abubakar Aliyu - Thesis Defense
April 30 | 9am
GG 142
Department of Geology Alumni & Awards Ceremony (2023-24)
April 26 | 1am
GG Building
Brandy Toner - "Investigating microbial life in rock fractures within the continental deep biosphere"
Brandy Toner - CSDD Distinguished Lecturer, University of Minnesota (Hosted by Mattia Pistone)
April 19 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
2024 CURO Symposium
April 8 | 10am
April 9 | 9:30am
Classic Center in downtown Athens
2024 CURO Symposium
April 8 | 10am
April 9 | 9:30am
Classic Center in downtown Athens
Peter Vrolijk - "Massive earthquakes and tsunamis: contributing factors revealed by IODP Expedition 362"
Peter Vrolijk - IODP Distinguished Lecturer, Schmidt Ocean Institute (Hosted by Erv Garrison)
April 5 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
POSTPONED - Marek Locmelis - "Removing materials from the 'critical minerals list': a mineral exploration perspective"
Marek Locmelis, Missouri University of Science and Technology (Hosted by Mattia Pistone)
March 29 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Greg Vaughan - "Characterizing Yellowstone’s thermal areas using remote sensing data."
Greg Vaughan, United States Geological Survey (Hosted by Doug Crowe)
March 22 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Alan Fryar - "Checking the Pulse and Taking the Temperature: How Do Springs Respond to Environmental Stresses?"
Alan Fryar, University of Kentucky (Hosted by Srimanti Duttagupta)
March 15 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
David Richards - Dissertation Defense
March 14 | 10am
GG 218
Dr. Amy Williams - "The search for life on Mars: challenges and opportunities in current and future Mars exploration"
Dr. Amy Williams, Department of Geological Sciences University of Florida (Hosted by Andy Darling)
March 1 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Ian Bourg - "Clay, water, and salt: controls on the hydrology and mechanics of fine-grained soils, sediments, and sedimentary rocks."
Ian Bourg, Princeton University (Hosted by Charlotte Garing)
February 23 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Eric Kirby - "Tectonic significance of topography along the Cascadia forearc."
Eric Kirby, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (Hosted by Andy Darling)
February 16 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Connor Parker - "From environmental waste to radioisotope R&D: the life cycle of transuranic materials"
Connor Parker, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Hosted by Brennan Ferguson)
February 9 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Scott Wing - "Effects of sudden global warming on terrestrial ecosystems - an example from 56 million years ago"
Scott Wing, National Museum of Natural History (Hosted by Steven Holland)
February 2 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Nathan Jud - "Paleobotany of the Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming"
Nathan Jud, William Jewell College (Hosted by Steven Holland)
January 26 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Corliss Kin I Sio - "Enigmatic archives of magmatic processes: decoding mineral zoning and melt inclusions with Fe–Mg isotopes"
Corliss Kin I Sio - MSA Distinguished Lecture, Department of Earth Sciences University of Toronto (Hosted by Mattia Pistone)
January 19 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Jeffrey Vervoort - AGU College of Fellows Distinguished Lecturer - "The growth of Earth's earliest crust"
Jeffrey Vervoort - AGU Distinguished Lecturer, Washington State University (Hosted by Mattia Pistone)
January 12 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - Hosted by AGU via Zoom
Geology Holiday Luncheon
December 6 | 11:30am
Geology Department
World Soil Day!
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia)
December 5 | 11am
Miller Plant Science: 11am to 1:30pm
Dr. Frances Rivera-Hernandez - “From Grains to Landscapes: Reconstructing Martian Environments at Multiple Scales”
Dr. Frances Rivera-Hernandez, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Georgia Institute of Technology)
December 1 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Samuel Oxhorn - Silica, Stopes, and Sulfides; Hard Rock Mining and the Geosciences
Samuel Oxhorn , (OceanaGold)
November 17 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Rick Wooten - Debris Flows, Big Slow Movers, and Rockslides: Assembling the Geospatial Legacy of Landslides using Lidar, Drones and Boots on the Ground
Richard M. Wooten, P.G. , (NC Geologist (Retired))
November 10 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Andrew Maendel - Thesis Defense
November 6 | 9am
GG 325
November 4 | 11am
Dr. Paulo Hidalgo - "REU-IRES: Scientific Results of Mentored Domestic and International Research Experiences. Solving Tectonic and Volcanic Problems to Cultivate JEDI in the Geosciences."
Paulo Hidalgo, (Georgia State University)
November 3 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Jeffrey Hyman - The Influence of Multiple Scales in Fractured Media on Flow and Transport Properties
Jeffrey Hyman, Earth and Environmental Sciences Division (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
October 27 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Christopher Zahasky - The role of the vadose zone on the fate and timing of PFAS contamination in groundwater systems.
Christopher Zahasky, (University of Wisconsin Madison)
October 20 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Geology Department Fall Welcome Back - CHANGE IN VENUE
October 13 | 5pm
NEW LOCATION: Globe / Courtyard 2nd Floor GG
Dr. Clark Alexander - Drones in the Coastal Zone: Beaches, Berms and Barrier Islands
Dr. Clark Alexander, (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography)
October 13 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Ted Lord - Industrial Minerals and Geologic Exploration in the Ceramic Industry
Ted Lord,
October 6 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Garrett Vice - Using Spatial Thinking to Become a Better Geoscientist.
September 29 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Scott Harris - Evidence for a Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene Comet Air Burst over the Northern Atacama Desert (Chile).
Scott Harris, Planetary Geologist (Gwinnett Schools)
September 22 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Yuanzhi Tang - Characterization of rare earth element speciation in complex matrices and recovery from waste streams
Dr. Yuanzhi Tang ,
September 15 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Vignettes of research - Persented by Geology Grad Students
Stephan (Stevie) Loveless (University of Georgia)
September 8 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Vignettes of research - Persented by Geology Grad Students
Taran Bradley (University of Georgia), Yonesha Donaldson (University of Georgia)
September 1 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
TBD - Open Date
August 25 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
What I did this summer...
UGA faculty & students, Geology (UGA)
August 18 | 3pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A
Oluwaseun Adeyemi - Thesis Defense
May 30 | 10am
GG 142
Alexandra Bonham - Thesis Defense
May 22 | 10am
GG 142
Marjean Cone - Thesis Defense
May 9 | 9am
GG 142
Geology Alumni Advisory Board Event
April 22 | 1pm
Akademia Brewing Company
Department of Geology Awards Ceremony
April 21 | 4:10pm
GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Eric Kirby - Interpreting tectonics from topography: lithospheric deformation and mountain building along the Cascadia forearc
Eric Kirby , Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences (UNC-Chapel Hill)
April 14 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Hiu Ching Jupiter Cheng - Doctoral Defense
April 10 | 1pm
GG 325
Debra Willard - Holocene hydroclimate and wetland development in the mid-Atlantic United States: vegetation and fire regimes of Great Dismal Swamp
Debra Willard, Research Geologist (US Geological Survey-Reston)
April 7 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Sydney Briggs - Thesis Defense
Sydney Bledsoe (University of Georgia)
April 7 | 12pm
GG 325
Holden Aronson - Thesis Defense
April 7 | 10am
GG 218
Laura Hanawalt - Thesis Defense
April 7 | 9am
GG 327
2023 CURO Symposium
April 3 | 4pm
April 4 | 4pm
Classic Center in downtown Athens
2023 CURO Symposium
April 3 | 4pm
April 4 | 4pm
Classic Center in downtown Athens
Matthew Carrano - The importance of vertebrate microfossil bonebeds in understanding the fossil record: examples from the Cloverly Formation (Lower Cretaceous).
Matthew Carano , Curator of Dinosauria - Department of Paleobiology (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History)
March 31 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Stephanie Drumheller-Horton - How to Make a Dinosaur Mummy: Applying Forensic Principles to a Paleontological Quandry.
Stephanie Drumheller-Horton, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (University of Tennessee)
March 24 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Logan King - The Digital Brain of Non-Avian Dinosaurs: Developmental and Evolutionary Trends
Logan King, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Chinese Academy of Sciences | CAS)
March 17 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Amy Ryan - Melt migration in mushy volcanic systems: insights from high-temperature, high-pressure deformation experiments
Dr. Amy Ryan - NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellow, Rock and Mineral Physics Laboratory (University of Minnesota)
February 24 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Rene Gassmoeller - Understanding the Connections between Plate Tectonics and the Deep Earth: Models, Observations, and Modern Research Software
Rene Gassmoeller, Department of Geological Sciences (University of Florida)
February 17 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Jay B. Thamos - Truths, mirages, and shifting sands: parting Earth’s curtains using trace elements in mineral thermobarometers to reveal crystallization conditions of felsic rocks
Jay B. Thomas, Professor of Petrology and Experimental Geochemistry (Earth & Environmental Sciences of Syracuse University)
February 10 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Paul A. Schroeder - Clay mineral production and feedbacks to global exogenic cycles.
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia)
February 3 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Abdou Abouelmagd - Water Resources Management and Sustainability in the arid/semi arid environments: Case study from Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
Dr. Abdou Abouelmagd, Associate Professor (Suez Canal University)
January 27 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Avishek Dutta - The Earth and its Microbes: The Tale of the Unseen Majority
Avishek Dutta (University of Georgia)
January 20 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Mattia Pistone - Pseudotachylytes: A Petrological Analysis
Mattia Pistone (University of Georgia)
January 13 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Upcoming Memorial Services
Memorial Service for Bern Allard and a Celebration of life for Doug Dvoracek,
December 10 | 10am
December 10 | 1pm
Athens, GA
Upcoming Memorial Services
Memorial Service for Bern Allard and a Celebration of life for Doug Dvoracek,
December 10 | 10am
December 10 | 1pm
Athens, GA
Geology Holiday Luncheon
December 7 | 11:30am
Geology Department
TBD - Open Date
December 2 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
No Colloquium - Thanksgiving Holiday
November 25 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
TBD - Open Date
November 18 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Parker Whitley - Master Degree Defense
November 14 | 10am
GG 142
Dr. Daniel A. Frost: Constraining the history of the inner core with seismic anisotropy
Dr. Daniel A. Frost, School of Earth, Ocean, and Environment (University of South Carolina)
November 11 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
November 5 | 8am
210 Field Street, University of Georgia
Dr. Franziska Lechleitner: Caves as windows into the Critical Zone carbon cycle across spatial and temporal scales
Dr. Franziska Lechleitner, (University of Bern)
November 4 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - virtual via Zoom
No Colloquium - Fall Break
October 28 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Glenn Gaetani: Magma reservoir depths, pre-eruptive volatiles, and ascent rates: Insights from olivine-hosted melt inclusions
Dr. Glenn Gaetani, (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
October 21 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Lukas Baumgartner
Dr. Lukas Baumgartner, Institut de Sciences de la Terre, UNIL-Grange, Geopolis (University of Lausanne)
October 14 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Charles R. Livingston: GEOLOGY ROCKS
Charles R. Livingston,
October 7 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Guilherme Gualda: The Rhyolite Factory: Integrating plutonic and volcanic perspectives using rhyolite-MELTS
Dr. Guilherme Gualda, Earth and Environmental Sciences (Vanderbilt University)
September 30 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
TBD - Open Date
September 16 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Zachary S. Brecheisen: Deep soil Critical Zone dynamics interpreted through the lens of old-field succession
Dr. Zachary S. Brecheisen, (CZO - Calahoun Critical Zone Observatory)
September 16 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Geology Department Fall Welcoming
September 9 | 6pm
Home of Paul and Linda Schroeder
Faculty/Graduate Students
September 9 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Jessica Cook Hale: Sea Changes: the current state of submerged paleolandscape prospection and assessments, inside and outside the private sector.
Dr. Jessica Cook Hale, Research Fellow and Consulting Geoarchaeologist (Geoarchaeology Lab, University of Georgia)
September 2 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Srimanti Dutta Gupta: Knowing the unknowns - Chemicals of emerging concern in hydrosphere and lithosphere.
Dr Srimanti Dutta Gupta, Adjunct Assistant Professor School of Public Health (San Diego State University)
August 26 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Michael Cuilik - Master Degree Defense
May 13 | 10am
GG 142
Allard Petrology lab dedication and faculty retirement celebration
April 30 | 12pm
Geology Department
Geology Alumni Advisory Board Meeting
April 30 | 10am
Geology Department
Department of Geology Awards Ceremony
April 29 | 4:10pm
GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Elliot Blake - Masters Degree Defense
April 29 | 9am
GG 142
Dr. Colin Sumrall: A new look at Late Paleozoic brittle star diversity based on disarticulated skeletal elements
Dr. Colin Sumrall, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (University of Tennessee)
April 22 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Chester W. Jackson, Jr.: Perhaps the shoreline has been underestimated and undefined. A geologist’s take on climate and vulnerability
Dr. Chester W. Jackson, Jr., Dept. of Geology and Geography (Georgia Southern University)
April 15 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Emily Martin: Estimating regolith thickness on Saturn's Moon Enceladus
Dr. Emily Martin, Research Physical Scientist Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (National Space and Air Museum Smithsonian Institution)
April 8 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
Dr. Sarah Carmichael: CSI: Devonian - are large igneous provinces guilty of causing the end-Devonian mass extinction?
Dr. Sarah Carmichael, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences (Appalachian State University)
April 1 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Alexandra Edwards - Masters Degree Defense
March 31 | 11am
GG 142
Dr. Linda Kah: Understanding Jezero crater, Mars: Insight from the Perseverance rover mission
Dr. Linda Kah, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (University of Tennessee)
March 25 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Samuel Oxhorn - Master Degree Defense
March 22 | 12pm
GG 142
Dr. Juliane Dannberg: Mantle plumes and their interaction with tectonic plates: Insights from geodynamic modeling
Dr. Juliane Dannberg, (University of Florida)
March 18 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Samamtha Khatri - Master Degree Defense
March 4 | 10am
GG 142
Dr. Jenny McGuire: Paleoecology reveals dynamic ecological responses to global change: the case for conserving for change.
Dr. Jenny McGuire, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Georgia Tech)
February 25 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Nurgul Balci: Mg carbonate buildups of Lake Salda, Turkey: Implications for biotic and abiotic processes.
Dr. Nurgul Balci, (Istanbul Technical University (ITU))
February 18 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
Dr. Eric Powell: Bivalve population dynamics, range shifts, and the history of temperature change on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic continental shelf.
Dr. Eric Powell, School of Ocean Science and Engineering (The University of Southern Mississippi)
February 11 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. Emin Ciftci: Metallogeny of Turkey: Special Emphasis on the Gold Occurrences
Emin Ciftci, Department of Geological Engineering (Istanbul Technical University (ITU))
February 4 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
Dr. Kirk Johnson: Alaskan Palms, Antarctic Dinosaurs and Arctic Crocodiles: The Implications of Past Polar Forests
Dr. Kirk Johnson, Sant Director, Smithsonian’s National (Museium of Natural History)
January 28 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Dr. David Furbish: The theory and measurement of soil creep illustrating a century of Asimov’s relativity of wrong
Dr. David Furbish, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Science (Vanderbilt University)
January 21 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
Geology Holiday Luncheon
December 8 | 12pm
Geology Department
TBD - Open Date
November 19 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Steffan L. Becker - Master Degree Defense
November 17 | 9:30am
GG 142
The Topography of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods
Max Dahlquist, (Sewanee - University of the South )
November 12 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Anik Regan - Master Degree Defense
November 12 | 3pm
GG 142
Sarah Asher - Master Degree Defense
November 3 | 11am
GG 142
Dynamics of glacier change, and impacts on downstream aquatic systems
Billy Armstrong, (Appalachian State University)
October 22 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
Archaeological Geology & Geophysics
October 15 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
North Himalayan gneiss domes: windows into the early tectonic evolution of the Himalaya-Tibet orogen
Tim Diedesch, (Georgia Southern University)
October 8 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
The power of using non-traditional geochemical methods to understand metal deposits
Laura Bilenker, (Auburn University)
October 1 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
TBD - Open Date
September 24 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Impacts of urban infrastructure on hydrology and stream ecosystems
Sarah Ledford, (Georgia State University)
September 17 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
The World Needs More Geoscience: Recruiting the Next Generation of Geoscientists
Dr. Kelly Lazar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences (Clemson University)
September 10 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Flowing downhill with lava
Arianna Soldati, (North Caroline State)
August 27 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - Live via Zoom
What I did this summer
UGA faculty & students, Geology (UGA)
August 20 | 4:10pm
Geology Colloquium - GG Building 200A or via Zoom
Department of Geology Virtual Awards Ceremony
April 30 | 3:30pm
Live virtual via zoom
Hydroclimate in Madagascar over the Holocene: a review and looking ahead.
Dr. Ny Riavo Voarintsoa , Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (University of Houston)
April 16 | 4:15pm
Live virtual via zoom
Thrust Faults as a Mechanism for Attenuation in the Steep Limbs of Laramide Folds in Colorado
Dr. Vince Mathews, (Retired - State Geologist and Director of the Colorado Geological Survey)
February 26 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
Mammal-species richness, fossil preservation, and tectonic history of the Basin and Range
Katharine (Katie) Loughney, Geology - Stratigraphy Lab (UGA)
February 19 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
Organic-mineral interactions at the molecular level: Impacts and research needs
James D. Kubicki, Dept. of Geological Sciences (The University of Texas at El Paso )
November 13 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
AAPG Distinguished Lecture Michael J. Pyrcz "Subsurface Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Energy Geoscience and Engineering"
Michael J. Pyrcz, H.B. Harkings, Jr. Professor of Petroleum Engineering (The University of Texas at Austin)
November 6 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
Special Event: GGS 2020 Virtual Field Trip
October 31 | 4pm
Live virtual via zoom / Streamed via GGS Facebook
Special Event: Graduate School Opportunities
October 9 | 3:30pm
Live virtual via zoom
Continental Scientific Drilling Division 2020 Distinguished Lecturer John Eichelberger “Drilling to Magma”
John Eichelberger, (U. Alaska Fairbanks)
September 18 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
Heraclitus and why you can't step into the same Critical Zone twice.
Dr. Dan Richter, (Duke University)
September 11 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
What I did for my summer: Vignettes of Geology faculty activities.
UGA Geology Faculty,
September 4 | 4:10pm
Live virtual via zoom
TBA -Cancelled or on Zoom: UGA Geology Awards Ceremony
April 24 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology 200A
Cancelled: Dr. Kevin Webster
April 17 | 3:35pm
Geography / Geology 200 A
Cancelled: UGA Geology hosts Alumni Gathering
April 4 | 12pm
The Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Magnolia Ballroom, Salons 4 & 5, 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602
Cancelled: Magmatic Evolution of the Southern Central American Arc Late Miocene to Present
Dr. Paulo Hidalgo, College of Arts & Sciences (Georgia State University)
March 27 | 3:35pm
Geography / Geology 200 A
Musings on the Terrestrial End-Permian Extinction Model: Trust but Verify
Dr. Robert A. Gastaldo, Department of Geology (Colby College)
February 21 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
Exploring the Martian Interior using Meteorites
Dr. Arya Udry, Department of Geoscience ( University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
February 7 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
Advances in Understanding the Late Devonian Extinctions: New Data from Mongolia and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Dr. Johnny Waters, Geological & Environmental Sciences (Appalachian State University)
January 24 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
To Shell with It: the Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Submerged Ertebølle Midden
Dr. Katherine Woo, Department of Archaeology (University of Sydney)
November 22 | 3:35pm
Geography - Geology Bldg 200A
Reconstructing a billion-year-old ecosystem from a drop of oil
Dr. Nur Gueneli , (Australian National University (ANU))
November 21 | 6pm
Geography-Geology 200A
Temperature-dependent heat transfer: Implications for geotherms, metamorphism and magmatism
Dr. Alan Whittington, Department of Geological Sciences (University of Texas in San Antonio)
November 15 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Relevance and Treatment Challenges: The Case of Boron and Bromide Removal
Lucas Favero, M.S. Candidate, Department of Geology (University of Georgia)
November 8 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
The Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction in the paleo-Pacific Ocean
Dr. Shane Schoepfer, Geosciences & Natural Resources Department (Western Carolina University)
October 25 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
A Song of Ice and Fire: Large-scale, protracted deposition and erosion on Mars' oldest volcanic province
Dr. Hannes Bernhardt, School of Earth and Space Exploration (Arizona State University)
October 4 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
Geology Fall Welcoming Party
September 20 | 5pm
Home of Paul and Linda Schroeder
Hydrology of the Twin Pines Mine Site, GA
Dr. Robert Holt, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering (University of Mississippi )
September 13 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
Summer Musings: Geology Faculty activity updates
August 30 | 3:35pm
Geography/Geology Building, 200A
UGA Geology Awards Ceremony
April 26 | 3:25pm
Geography - Geology Bldg 200A
Geology Undergraduate Research Showcase
April 26 | 1:30pm
Geography / Geology 200A
Emerging understanding of natural, incidental, and engineered nanomaterials and their impacts on the Earth system
Dr. Paul A. Schroeder, University of Georgia (Department of Geology)
April 19 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Petrology Position Candidate
April 9 | 3:35pm
Geography-Geology 200A
Petrology Position Candidate
April 3 | 3:35pm
Geography-Geology 200A
Petrology Position Candidate
March 29 | 3:35pm
Geography-Geology 200A
Petrology Position Candidate
March 26 | 3:35pm
Geography-Geology 200A
Prehistoric Site Discovery and Paleo Landscape Modeling on the Outer Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico, United States of America
Dr. Charles Pearson, History, Archaeology (Hampden-Sydney College, Coastal Environments, Inc.)
March 22 | 3:25pm
Geology-Geography Building 200A
Special Event: UGA Geology hosts regional geology gathering
March 2 | 12pm
Eventide Brewing, Atlanta Georgia
Dr. James Hower: Rare earth elements in coal and fly ash
Dr. James Hower, Center for Applied Energy Research (University of Kentucky)
March 1 | 3:25pm
Geology-Geography Building 200A
The Geologic History Of Water On Mars
Dr. Bob Craddock, The Smithsonian Institution (National Air and Space Museum)
February 22 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Dr. Amy Fagan
Dr. Amy Fagan, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources (Western Carolina University)
February 1 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Stratigraphic Architecture and Diagenetic Controls on Carbonate Reservoir Performance, Hadriya Reservoir (Upper Jurassic), Berri Field, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Richard Koepnick,
January 18 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Dr. Jerry Miller: Concentrations, Sources, and Potential Ecological Impacts of Selected Trace Metals on Aquatic Biota within the Little Tennessee River Basin, North Carolina
November 30 | 3:25pm
Geology-Geography 200A
Dr. Rowan Martindale: Mass extinctions, Oceanic Anoxic Events, and major paleoenvironmental changes in the Early Jurassic
Rowan Martindale, (University of Texas - Austin)
November 16 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Dr. Scott Jasechko: The age of Earth’s fresh water
Dr. Scott Jasechko, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management (University of California, Santa Barbara)
November 9 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Dr. Suzie Pilaar Birch: Dwarf deer and pygmy hippos: The isotope paleoecology of Pleistocene mammals from Għar Dalam, Malta
October 19 | 3:25pm
Geology-Geography 200A
Dr. Lisa Gardiner: Tales from an Uncertain World: What Other Assorted Disasters Can Teach Us About Climate Change
October 12 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
Dr. Jim Saunders: Gold nanoparticles' role in the genesis of bonanza epithermal ores of northern Nevada
October 5 | 3:25pm
Geography-Geology Bldg 200A
UGA Geology Fall Welcoming Party
September 21 | 5:30pm
Paul and Linda Schroeder's Home
Dr. Molly McCanta: The Igneous History of Olivine: Clues from the Minor Elements
September 14 | 3:25pm
200A Geology Bldg
"What I Did Last Summer" Presentations
August 24 | 3:25pm
Geology-Geography Bldg 200A
Geology Department Award Ceremony
April 20 | 3:30pm
Geology 200A
CURO Symposium: UGA Geology Presenters
April 9 | 11:15am
Downtown Classic Center
The dawn of modern whales: the diversification of Neoceti chronicled by Oligocene fossils from Charleston, South Carolina
Robert W. Boessenecker, (College of Charleston)
April 6 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
New insights into the accretion of oceanic lithosphere beneath spreading centers
Nicholas J. Dygert, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
March 30 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Depositional and environmental influences on mammal taphonomy and turnover in the middle Miocene Barstow Formation southern California
Katherine Loughney, (University of Michigan)
March 23 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Honoring the Career of Robert H. Carpenter, UGA Professor of Geology
March 2 | 3:30pm
Geology 220A
Hydrogeology Position Seminar
March 1 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Predation in the Marine Realm Through the Lens of Biogeography
Christy Visaggi,
February 23 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Hydrogeology Position Seminar
February 16 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Hydrology Position Seminar
February 13 | 3:30pm
Geology 200A
Hydrogeology Position Seminar
February 2 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Hydrogeology Position Seminar
January 19 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
Conservation Paleobiology: The Fossil Record of Extinction in the Ocean
Rowan Lockwood, (College of William and Mary)
January 12 | 3:30pm
Room 200A: Geography-Geology Building
A study of mineralogical failures in the construction industry
Steven J. Stokowski, PG,
November 14 | 6:30pm
Geology Building Room 200A
Dr. Alex Manda, East Carolina University
Alex Manda, Department of Geological Sciences (East Carolina University)
November 10 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building: Room 200A
Dr. Michael Roden, University of Georgia
Mike Roden (University of Georgia)
November 3 | 3:30pm
Geology 220A
GSA Practice Talks & Invited Speaker
October 20 | 3:30pm
Geology 220A
Geology Department Welcoming Party
September 22 | 5pm
1161 Limmerick Drive, Watksinville, GA 30677
Dr. Alberto Patino-Douce, University of Georgia
September 15 | 3:30pm
Geology 220A
Departmental Awards Presentation
April 21 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building
UGA Geology Undergraduate Research Presentations
April 21 | 2pm
Geology 142
Ocean Discovery Lecture
Andrew Fisher, Earth and Planetary Sciences (University of California - Santa Cruz)
April 14 | 3:30pm
Room 200A - Geography & Geology Building
Collision and escape, active plate accretion in the North Andes, results from GPS satellite geodesy
Dr. James Kellogg, School of the Earth, Ocean, and Environment (University of South Carolina)
April 7 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
2017 CURO Symposium
April 3 | 11:15am
Classic Center in downtown Athens
A new look at rare earth elements in the Georgia Kaolins
Crawford Elliot, Geosciences (Georgia State University)
March 31 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building: Room 200A
Twenty years of paleontological adventure and discovery in the Cretaceous Rock Record of the Great Red Island, Madagascar
Ray Rogers, (Macalester College)
March 24 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
UGA Geology Imperial Barrel Award (IBA) Team Presentation
March 14 | 3:30pm
Geology 200A
Joint Colloquium: Global change, stream carbon loss, and a roadmap for improved stream health
Amy Rosemond, Odum School of Ecology (University of Georgia)
February 17 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200C
CANCELLED - Causes and Consequences of Climate Variability in the Nile Basin
Benjamin Zaitchik, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Johns Hopkins University)
February 10 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
Brown Bag Seminar: Natural Building Stones of Istanbul
February 7 | 12:30pm
Geology / Geography Building, 327
Getting Under Europa's Skin
Britney Schmidt, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Georgia Tech)
February 3 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
Future use of Kaolins
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia)
November 18 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
Environmental controls on the recovery of shallow marine ecosystems following the late Permian mass extinction
William Foster, (University of Texas - Austin)
November 11 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
Geochemical Research in Archeology
Jeff Speakman, Director - Center for Applied Isotopes (University of Georgia)
November 4 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
No Formal Colloquium: Recruiting Weekend
October 21 | 9am
Geology Building
Water Resources in Niger Republic: Potential and Quality Challenges
Ali Moumouni, Visiting Fulbright Scholar (Dan Dicko Dankoulodo University, Niger)
October 14 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
Fire, earth & rain: emergency response for wildfire-induced landslide hazards
Jerome V. De Graff, Department of Earth & Environmental Science (California State University-Fresno)
October 13 | 6:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
Micromorphology, Microfacies, and Context
Paul Goldberg, Department of Archaeology (Boston University)
September 30 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building: Room 200A
Update on SAM (GC/MS) instrument on the Curiosity rover
James Wray, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Georgia Tech - SEAS)
September 23 | 3:30pm
Room 200A - Geography-Geology Building
Welcoming Reception for Geology Department - No Colloquium
September 16 | 4:30pm
Real-time In-situ Seismic Imaging with Sensor Networks
WenZhan Song , Georgia Power Mickey A. Brown Professor - College of Engineering (University of Georgia)
September 9 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
The Stratigraphy of Mass Extinction
Steven Holland (University of Georgia)
September 2 | 3:30pm
Geography-Geology Building - Room 200A
A glimpse of the geology of some world class economic resources of the Kalahari craton, Southern Africa
Jeff Chaumba, (University of North Carolina - Pembroke)
April 29 | 3:30pm
G&G 200A
Senior Thesis Brown Bag: Vignettes of Geology Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Students, Geology (University of Georgia)
April 29 | 2pm
Room 142 - Geography & Geology Building
The ecology of origination and extinction in the fossil record
Mark Patzkowsky, (Pennsylvania State University)
April 22 | 3:30pm
G&G 200A
Imitating giant lava flows: flood basalt emplacement in the Deccan Traps, India
Erika Rader, (Drexel University)
April 8 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
First annual roast of the UGA IBA team
Department of Geology IBA Team,
April 1 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
Seeing Things Differently: Rethinking the Relationship between Data and Models
Ty Ferré, (University of Arizona)
March 30 | 3:30pm
A New Terrestrial Climate Proxy? Evaluating the Stable Isotope Analysis of Herbivore Teeth
Dr. Suzanne Pilaar Birch, Geology / Geography/ Anthropology (University of Georgia)
March 18 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
A Brief History of Water on Mars
Luju Ojha, (Georgia Tech)
February 26 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
Earth Sciences Activities at Los Alamos National Laboratory During the 1980s and 1990s
Wes Myers, (Former Director of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM)
February 19 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
The Assemblage Turnover Index: its uses and limitations in correlating Deep-water rock successions.
Dr. Brent Wilson, (University of the West Indies)
February 12 | 3:30pm
200A Geography-Geology Building
What I did for my summer?
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia), Ervan Garrison (University of Georgia), Julia Cox (University of Georgia)
January 22 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
The Rising Star Expedition: Discovering Homo naledi
Hannah Morris, (Chena Consulting Services)
January 15 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
Radiogenic isotope constraints on the petrogenesis and timescales of continental intraplate volcanism
Haibo Zou, Geoscciences (Auburn University)
December 4 | 3:30pm
G&G Room 200A
Special Lecture on Kaolin in the Planetarium
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia)
November 20 | 7pm
Fernbank Science Center
What the Frack?
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia)
November 19 | 7pm
Location: Cine (234 Hancock Ave)
Drone’s eye views of the Laki flow in Iceland
November 13 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
Dr. Bob Craddock, (National Air and Space Museum at Smithsonian Institution)
November 6 | 3:30pm
200A Geography-Geology Building
Geological Society of America Annual Conference
November 1 | 3pm
Baltimore, MD
Compressing natural mudstones: Controls on mechanical and fluid-flow properties
Julia Reece, (Texas A&M University)
October 23 | 3:30pm
G&G - Room 200A
Multi-class Field Trip to Graves Mountain
October 16 | 9am
Graves Mountain
National Fossil Day
October 14 | 9am
National Park Service
Mineral weathering and soil carbon storage in the Catalina Critical Zone Observatory
Rebecca Lybrand, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (University of Arizona)
October 9 | 3:30pm
201 GG Building
Geology of the Long Canyon Gold deposit: An Update
Jeff Blackmon, (Newmont Mining Corporation)
September 25 | 3:30pm
GG Building - Room 200a
Geology Club Tailgate – UGA v. South Carolina
September 19 | 4pm
Geology Building Lobby and Porch
AAPG Student Chapter Meeting
Chris Ginn - Geologist, (Anadarko Petroleum)
September 18 | 4pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Critical Zone Observatories: Where rocks meet life
Paul A. Schroeder (University of Georgia)
September 18 | 3:30pm
G&G Room 200A
Geology Club Meeting
September 16 | 5pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Chevron Recruitment Presentation
September 14 | 5pm
Geology Buiding, Room 200A
Hydrogeology and Climate Change Adaptations in Morocco
Nour-Eddine Laftouhi, Geology (Cadi Ayyad University)
September 11 | 3:35pm
G&G - Room 200A
How to Apply to a Geoscience Graduate Program
September 4 | 5pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Metallic Mineral Resources in the Twenty First Century: Historical Extraction Trends and Expected Demand
Alberto Patiño Douce (University of Georgia)
September 4 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Ford Plant Investigation and Remediation
August 31 | 4:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Geology Club Welcome Back Cookout
August 28 | 5pm
Geology Building Lobby and Porch
Body Size Evolution in Marine Animals
Dr. Noel Heim, Geological Sciences (Stanford University)
August 28 | 3:30pm
G&G Building - Room 200A
A Curriculum for the Potential Petroleum Geoscientist
Bruce Railsback (University of Georgia)
August 26 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Reception Honoring Dr. Gilles Allard 50th Anniversary at UGA
April 24 | 5:30pm
Tales from the Pleistocene: records of glacial and interglacial stages in stalagmites from China, Spain, and New Mexico
Bruce Railsback (University of Georgia)
April 17 | 3:30pm
Geology / Geography Building, Room 200A
Graduate Research
April 10 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Re-evaluating pluton/volcano connections and igneous textures in light of incremental magma emplacement
Dr. Ryan Mills, (University of North Carolina)
April 3 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Diverse coeval magmas erupted on the shoulder of the Rio Grande Rift
Mike Roden (University of Georgia)
March 27 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Miocene biodiversity in the New World tropics: A once-in-a-century opportunity along the Panama Canal
Dr. Bruce MacFadden, (University of Florida)
March 20 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Rise of the Isthmus of Panama
Professor Laurel Collins, Florida International University, Department of Geology (Florida International University)
February 27 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
The Volcanic History of the Planet Mercury
Dr. Paul Byrne, (Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX)
February 20 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Mollusks shells as historical archives: case examples from Late Quaternary deposystems
Dr. Michal Kowalewski, (University of Florida)
February 6 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Roadside whales in the Atacama: The discovery, digitization, and salvage of Cerro Ballena, the world's richest graveyard of fossil marine mammals.
Dr. Nick Pyenson, The Paleontological Society Distinguished Lecturer (The Smithsonian Institution)
January 30 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
New insights on the fossil record of Mesozoic marine reptile dead falls
Dr. Silvia Danise, (University of Plymouth)
January 23 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
What is Happening in the World of Biochar?
Valentine Nzengung (University of Georgia)
January 16 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Were foraminifera the beginning of the end for stromatolites
Joan Bernhard, (WHOI)
December 5 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Dr. Christelle Wauthier
Dr. Christelle Wauthier, Department of Geosciences (Pennsylvania State University)
November 21 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Assessing cross-border water resources from space: The Iraqi Marshes and Aral Sea Basin
Dr. Richard Becker, Department of Environmental Sciences (University of Toledo)
November 14 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Faculty Presentations: Recent presenations by UGA Geology faculty
Sue Goldstein (University of Georgia), Mike Roden (University of Georgia)
November 7 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
University of Michigan Museum
Dr. John O'Shea, (University of Michigan)
October 24 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Range Expansions of Foraminefera: Lessons from the Past and Glimpses into the Future
Dr. Anna Weinmann,
October 10 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Geology: Still Evolving
Jeff Shellebarger, (President of Chevron North America Exploration and Production)
September 26 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Martian Surface Geochemistry
James Wray, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology)
September 12 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Paradigm Shift: Long Valley Gold Deposit, Northeast Nevada, A Non Carlin-Trend Gold System
Jeff Blackmon, (Newmont Gold)
September 5 | 3:30pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Eocene extension linked to sediment provenance shift
Jim Wright,
April 18 | 3:25pm
Geology Building Room 200A
Roadside Geology
Pam Gore,
April 4 | 3:25pm
Geology Building Room 200A
Bridging the gap: new approaches to the problem of shifting ecological baselines
Susan Kidwell,
March 28 | 3:30pm
Geology Building Room 200A
Biomineralization in Earth Sciences: Present and Future
Alberto Perez Huerta,
March 14 | 3:25pm
Geology Building Room 200A
Aquifer Testing in Support of Dewatering System Design at a Nuclear Power Plant
Dawit D. Yifru, (Geosync Consultants)
February 7 | 3:35pm
Geology Building, Room 200A
Special Events
Past events
Colloquium Recordings
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