There are many ways to support the Geology department. Financial contributions are most welcome, but we also appreciate our alumni who give their time to speak to our current students and new graduates by providing advice about careers in specific areas. Be sure to update your Alumni Profile!
We would love your support
The Department of Geology appreciates your financial support. Every dollar contributed to the department has a direct impact on our students and faculty. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. For a full listing of the Department of Geology Funds please visit our ALUMNI+Giving Direct page.
If you have questions about giving to Geology, please contact the Franklin College Office of Development at (706) 542-3581 or
Giving Online to our Funds
GEOLOGY GENERAL FUND (Non-endowed 81919000)
Benefits the programs and expenses of the Geology Department. These funds allow us to target specific requests that are unique and lets us promote visits from industry recruiters to speak to students about career options. These funds help us promote the department and highlight all the good things that our faculty, staff, and students as well as highlight the activities of our alumni and carry out alumni events. If you are not sure about what fund to exactly donate to, then please give here because this fund provides the most discretion for the department.
Provides support for undergraduate students to participate in the Geology Summer Field School program in Colorado (program website). Support includes scholarship support, transportation expenses, meals, accommodations, admissions fees, vehicle, equipment rentals, and communications costs incurred while in the field.
Provided financial assistance to both full and associate professors within our department. Support includes graduate assistantships, travel, research, equipment, materials, business-related meals and entertainment, awards, stipends, events, and other expenses deemed appropriate.