Friday, November 8 2024, 11am - 12pm GG 142 Defense Evolving Ephemeral Channels: Characterizing Shifting Flow Dynamics and their Hydrologic Impact in Semi-arid Environments Ms. Lea Davidson, candidate for the doctoral degree in Geology will defend on Nov. 8th at 11 am. The defense will be held in room 142. The title is “Evolving Ephemeral Channels: Characterizing Shifting Flow Dynamics and their Hydrologic Impact in Semi-arid Environments". The dissertation is on display in the conference room. Committee Members: Dr. Adam Milewski (major advisor) Dr. Charlotte Garing Dr. Wondwosen Seyoum (Illinois State University) Dr. Todd Rasmussen Davidson Dissertation Defense Flyer.pdf (698.05 KB) Research Areas: Environmental Geosciences