Join us for our next colloquium. Past Colloquium Recordings: Video (zoom) and audio files of past colloquium Spring 2022 Dr. Emily Martin - "Estimating regolith thickness on Saturn's Moon Enceladus" Video / Audio Dr. Avishek Dutta - "Understanding life in the deep dark biosphere" Video / Audio Dr. Brennan Ferguson - "Ligand-Promoted Dissolution of Uranyl Phosphate Across Scale" Video / Audio Fall 2022 Dr. Srimanti Dutta Gupta - "Knowing the unknowns - Chemicals of emerging concern in hydrosphere and lithosphere". Video / Audio Dr. Jessica Cook Hale - "Sea Changes: the current state of submerged paleolandscape prospection and assessments, inside and outside the private sector" Video / Audio Dr. Guilherme Gualda - "The Rhyolite Factory: Integrating plutonic and volcanic perspectives using rhyolite-MELTS" Video / Audio Dr. Lukas Baumgartner - "What metamorphic petrology can say about pressure in mountain building Are the Alps really a typical subduction orogen" Video / Audio Dr. Glenn Gaetani - "Magma reservoir depths, pre-eruptive volatiles, and ascent rates: Insights from olivine-hosted melt inclusions" Video / Audio Dr. Franziska Lechleitner - "Caves as windows into the Critical Zone carbon cycle across spatial and temporal scales" Video / Audio Dr. Daniel A. Frost - "Constraining the history of the inner core with seismic anisotropy" Video / Audio Spring 2023 Dr. Abdou Abouelmagd - "Water Resources Management and Sustainability in the arid/semi arid environments: Case study from Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region" Video / Audio Dr. Paul A. Schroeder - "Clay mineral production and feedbacks to global exogenic cycles" Video / Audio Dr. Jay B. Thamos - "Truths, mirages, and shifting sands: parting Earth’s curtains using trace elements in mineral thermobarometers to reveal crystallization conditions of felsic rocks" Video / Audio Dr. Rene Gassmoeller - "Understanding the Connections between Plate Tectonics and the Deep Earth: Models, Observations, and Modern Research Software" Video / Audio Dr. Amy Ryan - "Melt migration in mushy volcanic systems: insights from high-temperature, high-pressure deformation experiments" Video / Audio Dr. Logan King - "The Digital Brain of Non-Avian Dinosaurs: Developmental and Evolutionary Trends" Video / Audio Dr. Stephanie Drumheller-Horton - "How to Make a Dinosaur Mummy: Applying Forensic Principles to a Paleontological Quandry" Video / Audio Dr. Matthew Carrano - "The importance of vertebrate microfossil bonebeds in understanding the fossil record: examples from the Cloverly Formation (Lower Cretaceous)" Video / Audio Dr. Debra Willard - "Holocene hydroclimate and wetland development in the mid-Atlantic United States: vegetation and fire regimes of Great Dismal Swamp" Video / Audio Fall 2023 Dr. Yuanzhi Tang - "Characterization of rare earth element speciation in complex matrices and recovery from waste streams" Video / Audio Scott Harris - "Evidence for a Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene Comet Air Burst over the Northern Atacama Desert (Chile)" Video / Audio Garrett Vice - "Using Spatial Thinking to Become a Better Geoscientist" Video / Audio Ted Lord - "Industrial Minerals and Geologic Exploration in the Ceramic Industry" Video / Audio Dr. Clark Alexander - "Drones in the Coastal Zone: Beaches, Berms and Barrier Islands" Video / Audio Dr. Christopher Zahasky - "The role of the vadose zone on the fate and timing of PFAS contamination in groundwater systems" Video / Audio Dr. Paulo Hidalgo - "REU-IRES: Scientific Results of Mentored Domestic and International Research Experiences. Solving Tectonic and Volcanic Problems to Cultivate JEDI in the Geosciences." Video / Audio Richard Wooten PG - "Debris Flows, Big Slow Movers, and Rockslides: Assembling the Geospatial Legacy of Landslides using Lidar, Drones and Boots on the Ground." Video / Audio / PowerPoint Slides PDF (PPT slides are provided due to Zoom share screen error) Samuel Oxhorn - "Silica, Stopes, and Sulfides; Hard Rock Mining and the Geosciences" Video / Audio Dr. Frances Rivera-Hernandez - “From Grains to Landscapes: Reconstructing Martian Environments at Multiple Scales” Video / Audio Spring 2024 Jeffrey Vevoort - AGU College of Fellows Distinguished Lecturer Corliss Kin - MSA Distinguished Lecturer - "Enigmatic archives of magmatic processes: decoding mineral zoning and melt inclusions with Fe–Mg isotopes" Video / Audio Nathan Jud - "Paleobotany of the Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming" Video / Audio Scott Wing - "Effects of sudden global warming on terrestrial ecosystems - an example from 56 mya" Video / Audio Connor Parker - "From environmental waste to radioisotope R&D: the life cycle of transuranic materials" Video / Audio Eric Kirby - "Tectonic significance of topography along the Cascadia forearc." Video / Audio Ian Bourg - "Clay, water, and salt: controls on the hydrology and mechanics of fine-grained soils, sediments, and sedimentary rocks." Video / Audio Amy Williams - "The search for life on Mars: challenges and opportunities in current and future Mars exploration" Video / Audio Alan Fryar - "Checking the Pulse and Taking the Temperature: How Do Springs Respond to Environmental Stresses?" Video / Audio Richard (Greg) Vaughan - "Characterizing Yellowstone’s thermal areas using remote sensing data" Video / Audio Peter Vrolijk - IODP Distinguished Lecturer - "Massive earthquakes and tsunamis: contributing factors revealed by IODP Expedition 362" Video / Audio Brandy Toner - CSDD Distinguished Lecturer - "Investigating microbial life in rock fractures within the continental deep biosphere" Video / Audio Fall 2024 Dr. Paul Spry - "Critical Minerals and Green Energy" Video / Audio Dr. Richard Esposito and Dr. Ben Wernette - "The Fundamentals of Carbon Capture and Storage" Video / Audio Heather Qualman - "CCS - An Integrated Approach" Video / Audio Dr. Charlotte Garing - "Improving Understanding of CO2 Trapping Mechanisms in Geologic Storage Systems" Video / Audio Dr. Felix Herrmann - "Digital Twin for Geological CO2 Storage and Control" Video / Audio Spring 2025 Dr. Jake Loewenstern - "The Challenge of Volcano Monitoring, Eruption Forecasting, and Protecting Vulnerable Populations" Video / Audio Dr. Mattia Pistone - "Moho Mission to the Foundation of Continents: The ICDP DIVE Drilling Project" Video / Audio Dr. Bridget Scanlon - "Evaluating Approaches towards more Sustainable Global Water Resources Management" Video / Audio Dr. Chen Zhu - "How mineral-water interactions relate to critical minerals, carbon sequestration, and water resources" Video / Audio Mason Graham - "TBD" Video / Audio Peter Kang - "TBD" Video / Audio Madison Borelli - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio TBD - "TBD" Video / Audio