Hydrogeology & Petrophysics Assistant Professor My research aims to advance our knowledge of fluid flow and transport in porous media and improve simulation and prediction by observing and characterizing complex reactive and multiphase flow processes at different scales. Of particular interests are groundwater flow, vadose zone processes and geologic carbon storage. Most of my work centers on developing novel laboratory methods and experiments in micromodels and real rock samples that provide unique datasets that are of great importance to better identify and understand the relevant small-scale physical, chemical and biological mechanisms controlling subsurface environment dynamics, and their interplays. characterization of rock petrophysical and hydrodynamic properties X-ray microtomography and digital rock physics multiphase flow and pore-scale fluid instabilities controls on reactivity between fluids and minerals in nano/micro pores effect of mineral/fluid reactivity on single and multiphase flow properties multi-scale (pore / continuum) experimentation and upscaling Education Education: Ph.D., University of Montpellier, France, 2011 M.S., National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, France, 2005 Research Research Areas: Environmental Geosciences Research Interests: My research aims to advance our knowledge of fluid flow and transport in porous media and improve simulation and prediction by observing and characterizing complex reactive and multiphase flow processes at different scales. Of particular interests are groundwater flow, vadose zone processes and geologic carbon storage. Courses Taught Courses Regularly Taught: GEOL 1120 GEOL 3020 / 3020L GEOL 4220 / 6220 GEOL 1121 / 1121L