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Tracy Chukwuma, Geology PhD student, wins the Georgia Environmental Conference's Student Scholarship Program Award


The Annual Georgia Environmental Conference (GEC) is the largest, most diverse educational opportunity in Georgia, typically attended by government agencies and environmental professionals seeking to exchange knowledge and share ideas about environmental concerns in Georgia and across the Southeast region. The GEC Student Scholarship Program, sponsored by the Georgia Brownfield Association, is a college-level research award hosted by the GEC. On the 10th inaugural anniversary of this program, Tracy Chukwuma, PhD student in our department, and five other finalists were given the opportunity to present their research, in both an oral and poster session. Tracy won the doctoral category, based on committee judges scores and poster session attendee votes acknowledging the scientific rigor, importance of research to the environmental field, and communication/delivery of information. The award recognizes the importance of Tracy's work on advanced micro-continuum models built with high-resolution tomographic imaging to improve the simulation of complex reactive and transport processes in rocks and their applicability in environmental fields such as contaminant transport as well as geologic carbon storage. Tracy's participation to the GEC conference as a speaker was also a tremendous opportunity to showcase her skills, expand her network and get valuable insights from professionals in the environmental space. This was an unforgettable experience for her, and she is excited to keep working on her research.

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