UGA Geology is the first overseas collaborator in this European initiative, and Grace Lang, an undergraduate in the geology department, is the first student ever involved in this initiative. Much of the video shows Grace in the field, in the lab, and being interviewed. She is the unique one speaking English (with subtitles!) - Kudos to Grace for a great job!
The video recording occurred during the field campaign conducted at Mt Etna in June 2024. Mt Etna's explosive activity was captured on July 4th, 2024, producing ash and lapilli collected by Grace during the "volcanic rain"... an original way to enjoy "volcanic fireworks" on Independence Day.
SHARING MINDS (EP1) – Sampling Rocks
“Sampling Rocks” is the first episode of the miniseries SHARING MINDS, which explores Open Science in geosciences.
The Transnational and National Access (TNA-NOA) program is part of the MEET project (Monitoring Earth's Evolution and Tectonics), supported by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Next Generation EU of the European Union, and the Italian Ministry for University and Research. MEET opens the doors of the laboratories of the Integrated Laboratories for Geosciences and Environment (ILGE network) to researchers from various parts of the world.
Students and researchers have the opportunity to receive scientific, financial, and logistical support to carry out their research within Italian cutting-edge laboratories for the study of Earth Sciences.
The ILGE network involves four important Italian institutions: the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the University “Roma Tre” (UniRomaTre), the National Research Council (CNR), and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS)
The first episode is set between Etna and the Sedimentology Laboratory of the INGV section of Catania-Etna Observatory.
For further information:
News about the next call and list of facilities available: https://ilge.ct.ingv.it/
- ILGE research line: https://meet.ingv.it/progetto/wp-line...
- MEET project: https://meet.ingv.it/
- INGV Etna Observatory: https://www.ct.ingv.it/
Director: Pasquale Marino
Music: Ulisse Mazzagatti
Editorial development: Maira Marzioni